Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 1: What?

Saturday night tessa noticed that the left side of her stomach was rock hard whil her right side was soft. Of course my first assumption was constipation but she said everything was going alright in that area. Sunday it got a little better but started to hurt Sunday night so we decided she go in to get it checked out.

At pipestone they did a CT scan and found her spleen to be doubled in size and sticking out below her rib cage into her abdomen at 22cm (normal is 10cm.) A blood test also revealed her white blood cell count to be over 276,000. Normal levels are around 9-10,000. They called her and myself in and we discussed the possible diagnisis.

Already they were pretty sure it was leukemia, more specifically chronic myelogenous Leukemia. We were told we had an appointment with a specialist in sioux falls the next morning. To say the least we didn't sleep or rest much.

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